Nutrition is 80% of your Results

5:56:00 PM

Have you ever workout consistently and saw minimal results? Did you feel like I am killing myself in the gym or my workout but you are not hitting your goal? 

You are not ALONE! We have all been their, even myself, I felt this for years. Which is why I want to share with yo what I have learned. I know how frustrating it is. We all go right for the gym membership which is great and you will need this for a portion of your goal, but they then still lack in the area in which is the most important. I personally feel like gym count on this because it keeps you coming back. Planet fitness even goes as far as giving you pizza. Which is just mind blowing to me. Any who, i digress. What you are putting in your mouth each and everyday is so important. You can ask any professional nutritionist, trainer or body builder they will all tell you the same thing, “EAT CLEAN!” Have you ever heard the saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen”? The fact that 80% of your results come from what you eat is why this saying is 100% true. 

What does it mean to “EAT CLEAN”?

I am by no means a professional on this topic but I have done my share of research and reading on this topic, I have met with countless nutritionists so I could get to the bottom of this. It all boils down to “power foods.” These foods are what give you the natural energy your body needs to operate on a healthy pattern. 

So this doesn’t not include things like chips, cheetos, cookies, ect. These foods are fake and should be avoided. Reach for things that are close to their natural state like whole grains, lean meats, fruits and veggies. Many of us reach for soda or high sugary food to get us through our mid afternoon slump when you can easily get the same effect from a healthier option. The obesity in the world is rising so rapidly due to all the processed foods we have so easily available. We also have foods that clam to be “healthy” but are made up of nothing buy FAKE processed ingredients that are potentially dangerous to our health! They are far from “HEALTHY".

I will admit I am not perfect and eat processed things like breads and cheese. I am now eating less of it then I ever have before. I am by no means saying yo can’t have a treat here or there but the healthy options need to make up for 80% of your diet. 

Number one EXCUSE, it is to EXPENSIVE to EAT HEALTHY. 

Many times all it take is some planning. Check out my page on meal planning for more info. You create a list of healthy ingredients and you can make many meals all based off of the same ingredients. People don’t realized they actually spend more money on the packaged foods then they do on the healthier options. Especially since your body will crave more food because you are not fueling it with the proper nutrition.

I am eating healthy, NOW WHAT?

So, you probably thought it was that easy. Sorry to tell you but it isn’t. I have had way to many clients come to me and say I am eating healthy but nothing is happening. Here is the deal, you can over eat on healthy foods as well. Which is why portion control is so important. Not serving size… PORTION SIZE!

What is the difference between serving size and portion size?
Serving size is a measured amount of food or drink, such as a slice of bread or a cup of milk. (Don’t gauge the labels on your food for correct serving sizes)
Portion size is the amount of food that YOU choose to eat for your meal and/or snack… Big or Small- you decide. 

This means a portion can contain multiple servings, without you even realizing it! YIKES!!!

Do we all eat the same amount of portions?

NOPE… Which is why I can break it out for you in a blanket statement. I can list the recommended daily amounts but in reality it all based off your weight, activity levels and goals. If you email me at I would love to help you with the tools you need to succeed. 

Some healthy tips for watching your portions.

- Follow a meal plan
- Split a meal (when you are out)
- Use a child sized plate
- Stop eating when you are 80% full
- Eat slowly… takes your body about 20mins to realize it is full. 

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