About Crystal Sullivan: Healthy Lifestyle/Savings Nut

Thank you for taking the time to follow my blog, and taking the interest in learning more about me.

I’m Crystal Sullivan, a 34 year old healthy blogger, graphic designer, saving nut, and entrepreneur in training. My journey in life is to live a healthy, balanced life while helping others do the same. I live in Pennsylvania and graduated from Tyler school of Art with a honors in Design. I am a mom of 2 amazing kids, and a wife to a very loving (although he has a funny way of showing it), dedicated (both in the military and out) husband. 

So you may be wondering why I started this blog and why I became a coach. It actually goes all the way back to my childhood days. I was the biggest TOMBOY! My mom would get upset because I shopped in the mens department I would by the biggest shirt and pants I could buy that would “fit”. She didn’t have a chance to dress me up in cute dresses, or pretty much do anything girlie. Although I was not on the very heavy side, I was EXTREMELY self conscious. I hid behind my baggie clothes for many years. About half way through high school, I began to come out of my shell and started wearing clothes from the juniors department. I began to feel more comfortable in my own skin, but it didn’t last for two many years.

I became pregnant with my son at 21 years of age. I blew up like a balloon, gaining about 70lbs during the pregnancy. I didn’t know any better, ate anything and everything that was placed in front of me. Many trips to rites because that was what I craved EVERY DAY! After my son was born I hid from the cameras, and even when I am in the pictures I cut myself out of most them. We had a wedding to go to so I was all excited to go buy a new dress. I went to the mall and headed right for my favorite clothing store, “Deb Shop.” I loved going there because they had cute clothes for cheap. I tried on dress after dress after dress, until I was sitting on the dressing room floor in tears. I stormed out and left with nothing but a nasty pit in my stomach. I honestly can’t even remember what i wore to the wedding because I blocked it from my brain. My husband god bless him, he never said a word and didn’t seem to be phased by any of this. 

This horrible experience made me realize I needed to make a change, I couldn’t let this go on any longer. So I went on a hunt, and I seen a commercial fro Turbo Jam. At the time I did not have the money, but i couldn’t stop thinking about it. So, I saved up the money and bought the program. Everyday, with my son playing at my feet I hit play. A few weeks in I was so excited, i am pretty sure i called all my friends, because I could finally see my ankle bone. HAHA! I know so dumb, but it meant a lot to me. My husband began to notice which meant the world to me. After i lost the weight I then teetered back and forth, no real consistency!

Fast forward a few years gained some weight back, and we were ready to have our second child. I was soooooo scared I would gain the weight back. I almost didn’t want to get pregnant because of my fear. I know CRAZY, RIGHT!?!? I tried to watch what i ate, not give in to many cravings, ect. Luckily i only gained 37lbs this time. Which it still a lot but it wasn’t 70lbs. Four months after my daughter was born we received a call that my hubby was deploying to Afghanistan. After he had left I had made a pack with myself that I would loose the weight before he came home. I wanted him to see a difference and almost be in shock. So, of course I went back to beachbody because I knew it worked the first time. This time I went with INSANITY! I am not going to lie, that workout kicked my ASS! But… I hit my goal I lost the weight for his homecoming, he was in shock. 

BUT…. I was so happy for him to be home with us I became lazy. I ate what he ate, i sat around with him and did nothing but cuddle watch movies together and the occasional outings. What do you think happen ?!??! Yep, you guessed it, I gained back the weight. I was so pissed at myself. I thought how can I let this happen to me?!?!?! So, I became obsessed searching tons of info on IG. Making up my own workouts from what I found, trying different meal plan ideas, food options from fit people. But, you guessed it NOTHING, I mean NOTHING was happening. This went on for like a year and half. I would loose a lb or a few and gain it right back. I knew joining a gym would not be the option because i was doing some workouts at home, I had gone to a gym for years before with out seeing any changes. I was frustrated and just about to give up on myself when I saw a post on Instagram. I reached out to the woman dn began having conversations back and forth and she said she would help me. I was SKEPTICAL… who isn’t! But, i thought WHAT THE HELL, and i went for it. She talked about shakeology. I tried to tell her I didn’t need it and she told me to just try it. So, I did. lol She took me under her wing, set me up with a meal plan customized for my goals, accountability, support and of course the workouts. THIS IS WHEN MY LIFE CHANGED!!! I had no idea. I fell in love with the accountability and support from the group. At the end of the month she had asked me if I wanted to become a coach because I was already doing what it took. I was showing up, doing my workouts, drinking my shake and helping others in the group stay motivated as well. I thought NO WAY, i can’t be a coach. She filled me on some more details. I realized i had nothing to loose. If i never made a dollar from any of this, I would be healthier, i would be stronger, I would have more confidence, I would be a better ME! So, i jumped in!!

This story is why I am so passionate about why I do what I do. I don’t want you to be that person in the dressing room, hiding behind the clothes or whatever that may be. I want you to feel the way i feel right now. I have never been happier with myself, I love being a great role model for my kids. I never felt my life had purpose till now. I wake up everyday knowing i helped at lest one person in some way the day before. 

If you have any of these same feeling, please reach out to me so we can that. You can also email me at crystalsfitbodyfatwallets@gmail.com.

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