7 Tips to Save Money Without Using Coupons

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If you are anything like me, you love to save money.  I would love to clip coupons because I realize how much money you can save, but realistically  I just don’t have the time in my schedule as of now. Over the years, I have learned ways to save money without using coupons. I still use coupons here and there, when I can but I don’t always rely on that. Below is a list of things I do, and would like to share with you. Maybe it will help you save a few bucks. 

Buy Meats at Wholesale Prices

A few years ago, I found a place to purchase my meats at a wholesale place. The only down fall is there is not many of these places around. The one for me is an hour from my house, but it is worth the trip.  We stock up, when we go so we only need to purchase meats every few months. This can be challenging if you do not have an extra freezer. If you have a place to put an extra freezer, I highly recommend picking up one. It will pay for itself in no time. So at these wholesale places, the steaks, bacon are sold in large slabs. The prices change each time we go, but we spend $2- $3 per lb on average. Our butcher will cut it any way you would like for FREE! Other items are just sold in large boxes, for instance we usually get a 20lb of boneless pork chops for $20. So you can see quickly how much money you can save.  Do some research and see if you can find a location near you. 

Buy Produce at Wholesale Prices

Produce at the market can be very pricey. I also noticed that sometimes when they have sales or buy one get one, they jack the price up.  I purchase my produce from a location called, “Produce Junction.” It is just a wholesale place for your fruits and vegetables. Many items come in larger quantities than I will ever be able to eat. At first I saw this as a issue, BUT as I have learned and tried different things over the years, it no longer is an issue. You can split your order with your family or friends. Or you can meal prep crock pit dinners, or you can just freeze the fruit and veggies for smoothies or snacks, ect. Get Creative!

Purchase your Produce When It Is In Season

If you know when the produce you like to eat is in season, it is much cheaper to stock up or eat it within those particular months.  Many times if your items is not in season it could cost significantly more per lb. The reason the price goes up is because it is being shipped from far away so they need to pay for the extra shipping cost.   

Make Meals from Scratch!

People get started on a healthy routine and the first thing they do is go out and purchased all these pre-packed frozen foods. Besides the fact that these are not really that healthy for you, they are also a strain on the pocket. It is much cheaper to just make extra food for dinner you can reheat or spend a few hours every month and portion out your dinners or lunch and freeze them for later. Crockpot can become your new best friend. 

DO NOT buy more then you need!

I have done this one two many times. I know that if I am hungry and I decide to go food shopping I end up with way more then I went in for. So, what ever you do, do not go food shopping when you are hungry.  The best and cheapest way to purchase groceries is to plan out what you plan to eat for the week, and make a list of items you need for those meals. Then when you go shopping do not wonder off the list! The only time I will buy things I do not need is when something is a good deal and I need to stock up, because I don’t want to waste money later on.

Use Loyalty Cards

Just about every card has a loyalty card. Most stores are even making the loyalty cards more convenient. They can save you money for the items that are on sale throughout the store.  Depending on the deal it could save you a good bit of money.  Many of the loyalty cards allow you to attach e-coupons.  As I am walking in the store I will login and do a quick scan for items I planned to purchase. Check them off and then when you check out.. CHA CHING… money saved!

Buy Store Brands

Many store brands are just as tasty as the popular more expensive brands. What we tend to do in my house is, we at least give them a try. If I see something has a store brand version, I will purchase it. Then we can try it and if everyone is in agreeance then we will continue to purchase the store brand of that particular product. Even if it is only a few cents difference, all those cents add up to dollars. That is the way I look at it.  One thing to watch out for tho is the ingredients. Sometimes other brands will add fillers and other ingredients you don’t want or need. 

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