Desperate to SHED those LBS... Lets Save YOU Some TIME!

9:19:00 PM

I was talking to a woman the other day about this supplement out on the market. It got me thinking. I am not sure how many people know this about me because I didn't really ever talk about it and I somewhat hid it. 😏 

So here goes nothing... I was so desperate to loose weight and be HAPPY that I pretty much tried EVERYTHING! Which leads to why I am so passionate about what I do now. None of these pills, creams ect did a thing for me. It is somewhat comical that I even still have this stuff sitting in my house. It was all a waist of money. As American's we are always looking for the quick fix, which is not the reality. If you get lucky and it works it all comes right back because you are not taught how to properly loose the weight. I was so dumb and nieve to think that this would fix me and would give me the self esteem boost I was looking for. 

Most of them just made my heart race and very jittery. Most of them are so unhealthy and have had many recalls because of the issues they have caused. Loosing weight and getting fit should because you want to be healthy. So, please learn from my mistake and do it the right way. I started PROJECT SELF for people like me that are struggling and are not sure what to do. Where to start?!?! Many people go to the gym but don't see the results because they are missing the key essential part, which is the nutrition. Take a step in the right direction and make the HEALTHIER choice. EMAIL ME if you are stuck and need some help.  Do it before you waist your time and money. 

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