Does the first minute or two of workout seem the TOUGHEST?

4:35:00 PM

Have you ever started your workout and within the first minutes you are so tired you are not sure if you can make it through another minute? Don’t give up, PUSH through it! This is totally normal, and happens to most of us.  Everyone’s body has a a lag time, when it comes to delivering adequate fuel to the working muscles. Believe it or not, after 10 seconds your body has depleted your reserve and needs to start producing more energy. As your muscles begin to warm up, your body will switch over to Aerobic Energy. Aerobic essentially means ‘oxygen’. In order to make it through your workout it need to convert to stored glycogen fat. This is what gives you the energy to keep going. 

So, if you feel the burn, start breathing heavily, within the first minute… KEEP GOING! Once your body transitions you will began to feel some relief. You should began to breathe a steady pace, your heart rate will level out. Now, with that being said, I am not saying you will not be out of breathe or heart rate should not be elevated. I am just saying it will give you the energy you need to push yourself  to get through the tougher areas within your workout. 

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